What is metamodernism in art?

Metamodernism in art subscribes to the idea of a ‘meta-narrative’ or 'story of a story' whilst using the tactics and tools of Postmodernism and new Technology. Metamodernist art aims to experiment and incite discussion about returning to a ‘meta-narrative’.


Want to know more, then read our blog articles from an introduction to a new era in art.



All artworks shown are thubmnails of the original. The original is a single, super high quality artwork file kept in a secure vault.

Once purchased the artwork file is yours to use any way you choose personally or corporately.

Each artwork is unique and cannot be repeated. Printed on any size canvas these artworks will enhance any modern collection. 

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Metamodernist Artwork109

Figure, Metamodernism
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In this metamodernist paintingf, three women stand atop a stone wall outdoors, basked in a warm yellow light. The women are barely dressed.  All three women are looking off into the distance. The grass in the foreground is a lush, vibrant green, adding a touch of life to the scene. The sun is just beginning to set, casting its golden hues over the entire scene. The artwork captures a peaceful moment, one that could easily be part of a larger story.