What is metamodernism in art?

Metamodernism in art subscribes to the idea of a ‘meta-narrative’ or 'story of a story' whilst using the tactics and tools of Postmodernism and new Technology. Metamodernist art aims to experiment and incite discussion about returning to a ‘meta-narrative’.


Want to know more, then read our blog articles from an introduction to a new era in art.



All artworks shown are thubmnails of the original. The original is a single, super high quality artwork file kept in a secure vault.

Once purchased the artwork file is yours to use any way you choose personally or corporately.

Each artwork is unique and cannot be repeated. Printed on any size canvas these artworks will enhance any modern collection. 

Unique Artwork file is delivered by secure download or fully insured USB drive.

Meta Artwork6

Abstraction, Figure, Metamodernism
Meta Artwork6
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A man wearing a black hat and a brown suit stands in the center of the frame, looking straight ahead with a slightly serious expression. He has dark brown eyes and appears to have a small stubble along his jawline. The background is a warm brown color, and the man is framed by a white and black square logo on the left, a white ball on a blue background on the right, and a red and green logo in the bottom right corner. He has his hands in his pockets and looks confident. He is wearing a black and white patterned hat, a brown suit with a white shirt underneath, and a pair of black shoes. The metamodern artwork has a cartoon-like quality with a hint of illustration, art, and animation.