What is metamodernism in art?

Metamodernism in art subscribes to the idea of a ‘meta-narrative’ or 'story of a story' whilst using the tactics and tools of Postmodernism and new Technology. Metamodernist art aims to experiment and incite discussion about returning to a ‘meta-narrative’.


Want to know more, then read our blog articles from an introduction to a new era in art.



All artworks shown are thubmnails of the original. The original is a single, super high quality artwork file kept in a secure vault.

Once purchased the artwork file is yours to use any way you choose personally or corporately.

Each artwork is unique and cannot be repeated. Printed on any size canvas these artworks will enhance any modern collection. 

Unique Artwork file is delivered by secure download or fully insured USB drive.

Metamodernist Gold and Silver14
Abstraction, Still Life, Metamodernism
Metamodernist Gold and Silver14
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A yellow bottle of perfume is sitting on a white background. It is placed on the right side, slightly tilted, with the label facing forward. The neck of the bottle is long and thin and the lid is a shiny golden color. The base of the bottle is a pale grey in color and the sides of the bottle are a darker shade of yellow. The bottle has a smooth, rounded shape and is partially surrounded by small, light yellow droplets. In the foreground, there is a metamodernist background of a purple curtain to the left of the bottle, and to the right of it, a close-up of a yellow tie. Further to the right, there is a close-up of a buttoned shirt, and in the far right corner, a close-up of a black object and a metal object. The colors in the artwork are predominantly yellow, grey and purple, and the overall lighting is bright and airy.