What is metamodernism in art?

Metamodernism in art subscribes to the idea of a ‘meta-narrative’ or 'story of a story' whilst using the tactics and tools of Postmodernism and new Technology. Metamodernist art aims to experiment and incite discussion about returning to a ‘meta-narrative’.


Want to know more, then read our blog articles from an introduction to a new era in art.



All artworks shown are thubmnails of the original. The original is a single, super high quality artwork file kept in a secure vault.

Once purchased the artwork file is yours to use any way you choose personally or corporately.

Each artwork is unique and cannot be repeated. Printed on any size canvas these artworks will enhance any modern collection. 

Unique Artwork file is delivered by secure download or fully insured USB drive.

From a Cubist angle2
From a Cubist angle2
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This is a piece of cubist artwork that beautifully encapsulates the fusion of figurative and abstract art. The central subject of the painting is a woman's face, which is composed of vivid colors and geometric shapes. The use of squares and rectangles in various hues lends an abstract feel to the portrait. The dominant color in the foreground is a brilliant shade of blue, reminiscent of the famous Majorelle Blue. This color, together with the stark white shapes, creates a striking contrast against the dominant background color, which is a warm, inviting shade of yellow. It's as though the woman's face is emerging from a canvas of golden light. This artwork is not just a metamodern painting, but a graphic design masterpiece. The colorfulness and the abstract approach to the subject matter make it an intriguing visual feast. The juxtaposition of a recognizable figure with abstract elements gives it a unique appeal. Despite the abstract nature of the piece, there's an unmistakable resemblance to a flag. The geometric shapes, arranged in a seemingly random pattern, remind the viewer of a flag fluttering in the wind. This subtle addition adds a deeper layer of interpretation to the artwork. This painting is a stunning representation of a woman's face, but it is also much more than that – it is a testament to the power of color, shape, and abstract thought in modern art.